Showreel issues with Mobile Devices
Apologies to any of our visitors who are trying to play our showreels on iPhone / iPad or Android and not having much luck. The problem seems to relate to a 'No Flash' implementation in certain iOS and Android devices.
Individual tracks (such as those posted in the 'News' area or HDM workspace) are playable - but the showreels are a discrete Flash module 'plug-in' which doesn't allow the mobile device to identify the presence of audio. We can only apologise and ask those visitors to view the site from a Mac or PC where Flash is supported, and everything should work fine. This is the best option if you want to focus on a specific production genre.
Once we find a solution we will implement it, or create a special showreel area for mobile device users.
In the meantime, here is an HTML5 audio player featuring a generic selection of our work. This should work on most mobile devices, though maybe not quite so 'pretty' - or indeed as functional as we'd have liked! (these devices create their own player over which we have little control). The drop-down menu will show you the track names, but has no effect on what the player does - it is there to select tracks for download. You can advance to the track you want to hear using the prev / next (< >) links / player buttons or @ Prev / Next>> text links.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
If all else fails, and you have the Soundcloud App - some of our tracks can be found here: