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Available for Exclusive Licence

Atlas Mask on Transparent Colorized

The tracks below are currently unlicenced and would be available to production libraries either in their current form or modified to your requirements, including:

•    Commercial Lengths
•    Mastered Stems for Clients
•    Unmastered Stems so you can mix/master in your house style
•    Extensions, edits, restructures, rewrites, re-arrangements


If you wish to be notified each time a new track comes available for licence, please subscribe to this page with your e-mail address - you will then be notified when new tracks become available.

[Licence Under Negotiation] means that a production Music Library has either said they want the track and we are waiting to review and exchange contracts or that a library has expressed interest in a track and it is currently under internal review for inclusion in a forthcoming release. In either case, if you like the track it may be worth getting in touch as either things may change or we can write you something similar to fill a gap in your catalogue.

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© Hidden Depths Music 2018